Monday, January 30, 2012

Been a While!

Well, it has certainly been a while since I decided to blog... Not that I haven't been writing, I just can't seem to keep up with all the various networks in which I now belong. But writing has always been my outlet. I know it has probably gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion, but I still love doing it. Writing calms me. It seems like I can release my inner most feelings when I write, which is not necessarily a great thing. I guess for me the key is to learn how to always positively and effectively express myself. Being a passion writer is a blessing and a curse of sorts. If I feel it, I have got plenty to say. If I don't feel it, nothing makes sense, and I hit a brick wall.

One thing I like to do with my writing is reevaluate my life from time to time. I like to evaluate my trichotomy (my blog - my beliefs). Body, Soul, and Spirit...Spiritual, Emotional, Physical...So let's start with the body. I am truly mad at myself at the moment. I need an intervention plan. I'm working on it. That is really all I want to say about it at this point. Now, on to the soul, or my essence. I have met a few of my goals in life, but I have also stalled on a few. I struggle with knowing what is the perfect plan of God for my life, but I don't usually hide my head in the sand. There are times I have been bitter (usually coincides with my hormonal balance for the month) but on most days I am a purpose driven individual. I have been known to stress people out a little (or at least that is what I have been told.) But I never impose on others what I will not tackle myself. I don't like slackers. Sorry. It was instilled in me from birth. So, I probably do stress slackers out a little bit. I really don't take criticism too well. But I am trying to learn how to deal with it more positively.

Now for my spiritual side, I can ALWAYS do more. Been thinking a whole lot about my spiritual status lately. If there truly is a 9th intelligence known as Existentialism, then I want to develop mine more. If there is one thing I know for certain, our natural earthly life is but a vapor. I can't help but want my life to mean more than the few days I spend on it. I know there is something within human intellect that forces us to want to live eternally. Why? Well I guess that depends on your philosophy of life. Personally, I believe God put it there for me. I can't force others to think about the purpose of life any more than someone can force me to work a calculus problem. But, for me... I want to know. So, for the coming year, I plan to spend more time studying the Christian faith, the historical account of the Jewish people and their covenant with the great Jehovah.

So... That's what I am doing with my life in 2012. Wonder what everyone else is up to this year?