I have been working tonight, with one of my colleagues, on a template for a curriculum/instructional map. I have looked at many different templates and examples, and the more I look, the more uncertain I am of what needs to be included in the map. Basically, I would like to create a single sheet of paper with as much information as possible available to teachers in a given instant.
I think the best model is the old "KISS" model. Recently at a coach's training conference, the attendees and I tried to come up with a better slogan for the "KISS" model. I think the best I heard was "Keep it simple, Sugar!" Anyway, a simplistic model is really best. And that is the model we plan to use with our clients this week.
Key elements of a map: Grade, Course, Timeframe, Standards, Vocabulary, Instructional Strategies, Information from High Stakes test, % Mastery
We will also collaborate with the clients to make sure they have "buy-in". We will see how well tomorrow takes its course.
Until next time...